Wills Transfer & Future Vision Ministries
Wills Transfer & Future Vision Ministries. Working together to provide safe clean drinking water to parts of Africa.
“Where there is no vision, the people perish”
Who are Future Vision Ministries (FVM)?
Future Vision is a small charity, focused on building better communities in Malawi, Africa. Why? Because the people of Malawi have a bright vision for their future. With local leaders and FVM, Malawi is developing programs and services that improve their lives. Thus, they are protecting their most vulnerable and providing stability for future generations.
FVM works to provide clean and safe water through the drilling of borehole deep wells. In fact, to date, they have funded five boreholes and supported the maintenance of additional ones in the area.
Boreholes are on average 48 meters deep. Before deep drilling communities like Malawi used shallow wells. Scooped-out holes that collected surface water. However, the surface water was easily contaminated. So much so that the water caused cholera, a leading cause of death in Africa.
Eliminating shallow wells also removes standing water, a breeding ground for mosquitoes that cause malaria. Another life-threatening disease in this region.
Borehole deep wells also provide much-needed irrigation for crops. With irrigation, moringa plants can be grown and used for food and medicine. Additionally, plants can be a source of income for a community. Without irrigation, the crops are at the mercy of constant droughts.
So, you can see why the boreholes are so important to the well-being of Malawi.
- Borehole Drilling Begins
- Work in Progress is Next
- Finally Water Comes Out
- Indeed Water is Life
- Hand Washing Bucket
- Above all Community
Future Vision’s Wells help to Empower Women
As women and girls do most of the water carrying, the closeness of the wells to the community is vital. With less traveling for water, the girls have more time to study. A girl’s education is enhanced when they have more time to study. Their lives are improved, and as a result, they are empowered.
These wells also serve to lessen the risks involved with traveling to faraway wells for women and girls. Horrible risks that harm the health and rights of females in Malawi.
How does Wills Transfer help Future Vision Ministries?
Wills Transfer actively funds Future Vision’s deep-well drilling program as each well is worth $8000 CND. As a result of this support, the people of Malawi are sure to reach their vision for the future. Click here to learn more about Future Vision Ministries.
One last note, if you like this post, please check out Giving Tuesday
A message on how Wills Transfer, provided funding for the purchase of a Chemotherapy Chair.